Here we are at the last Core-ed Breakfast for the year. These have to be one of the best PD opportunities around. We gather together before school, share breakfast, coffee and a chat, then get served up the most amazing learning opportunities...
Today @virtuallykaren is engaging us in o
pportunities technology offers to tailor learning needs. Knowledge is held by many, and breakthroughs happen when we pass the story on...
I just love the visual Karen was able to give us. With a small roll of crepe paper we were able to show the power of the knowledge in the network. Then we experienced our 'first of many' quick chats about what would have happened in our school with sharing of practice.
"Shared articulation of a deprivatised professional practice", taking away the classroom walls, having belief in our story, realising that our story is worth sharing, and undertaking deliberate investigation into practice.
Karen shared the power of deliberate reflection, recording our journey, comparing and contrasting! We need to think about sharing our stories wider, working towards a nationwide, shared story of our practice!
We discussed big trends that are driving us to rethink our learning, and get started on the journey.
Technology is a key enabler in our journey, enabling access and personalisation access for all. Technology enables and amplifies what we already do. Technology changes, humans don't
We talked about blogs, wikis to publish, reflect on and easily share our learning. Gathering esources for connecting with students, collecting, pulling together resources and stories, and sharing our stories. Professional development should be personalised and ubiquitous!
Technology offers us opportunities for documenting what is happening whenever, wherever we are.... We have opportunities for contextual learning, eg. putting maths into context
The big question is How are we personalising the story for PD for our teachers?
Are we using appropriate technology for needs? Are we personalised learning experiences?
Are we living the vision - connected, capable, lifelong learners?
Four key goals must be:
- De-silo - break down
- Personalised
- Sustainable
- Co-construct..
Education must be seen as an exchange, a making and sharing of a learning story. There are benefits to all from shared learning, and in the words of Dean Shareski - sharing is an obligation! We must work to blend to extend - over time, place and space... We learn best where set our own goals, driving our own learning! One design for all doesn't work we are all different! How much can we make use of technology to step away from one model? Are we engaging with new models for PD, are we enaging with critical reflective inquiry? Is our PD inclusive, flexible, collaborative?
Are we seeing a new model for our school? Can we identify an opportunity and remember where you are going? Engagement in professional learning is not on the plate - it is the plate! We need slow, deliberate, objective, reflective, critique!
Are we identifying a focusing inquiry - learning targeted at what students need right now?
Let's get started:-
Project - de-silo
Connect - accept/reject
Collect and curate
Reflect on inquiry
Are we recording our question and discussion for others to add to, learn from and share in their own work! Are we seizing opportunities available?
- English online... Arts online,
- vpld,
- Pinterest - shared staff space....
Are we creating a shared reflective practise?
Where is there an opportunity for professional learning that is:
- Self directed
- Connected
- Curated
- Shared
Educational conversation we can all benefit from....
What an inspirational session Karen. Thanks a million. I really can't wait to share the Edtalk with our whole staff and we explore possibilities for personalised PD. I have started a blog to share our staff PD, so we can personalise our journeys but share, connect, collaborate and celebrate our learning journeys as a staff...
I returned to school at 9.02 to work with an RTLB and a group of students we have targeted for acceleration. As we reflected on the success of ten weeks work I realised the potential of recording their journey to share on the staff PD blog. Friday morning we are creating the first story to share, learn and personalise our staff PD!
Yay Karen, MAGIC session!