Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MWAH day 2 - explore taha hinengaro

Exploring taha hinengaro - mental and emotional wellbeing.
Well, could I be in a better place, with a better activity in store this morning? I think not. Here I am in the very remote, very rustic, very beautiful Chatham Islands, and this morning I had the absolute pleasure and privilege of working with learners from the three schools in a beach clean up. There have been some very high tides recently and the beach is littered with rubbish high up the sand. 

So, here I am, on my first real decent walk since severely rolling my ankle. This has got to be so so good for my mental and emotional well being, as well as my physical well being. The wind was literally cutting through us, whipping the sand into our faces, blowing our hair and whistling around us.

Taking time to mindfully walk and look for traces of rubbish was so cool. And so devastating. Here we are 828km out from New Zealand across the ocean and the beach is literally littered with rope bits, net bits, and pieces of plastic. From large pieces, bottles, lids, all the way down to tiny little bits, beads of plastic. It is both horrifying and soul destroying to realise how the ocean floor must look, if this is what it tosses out in a storm. 

We really must do more, and make the changes to stop adding to this horrendous problem.  So while today is incredibly good for my taha hinengaro, it is also incredibly challenging. I'd like to do more of this, more walking and picking up at beaches, more thinking about the very severe impact we are making on our planet. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

MHAW day one - Whenua

So, day one of MHAW - Mental Health Awareness Week. First day of this week is exploring whenua, connection to land and roots. WOW what a day for this. Here I am out in Rekohu / Wharekuri, and today is a day at Kaingaroa for the Annual Cross Country Run. I woke up to this view.
A drive up to Kaingaroa was a fabulous opportunity to really think about the land, the place, and what I value. I have always talked of my biophilia. I have an innate need to be outside, and spend time in nature, especially around trees and water. The drive today was a wonderful opportunity for me to savour the very special place I am in. It is about an hour's drive and alongside the stunning scenery, I saw an incredible array of livestock; sheep, lambs, cows, calves, swans, and a constant stream of weka racing across in front of me. 

I had an opportunity to spend time out in the paddocks under a stunning tree to take photos of runners in the Annual Chatham Island cross country run.  

After work today I had the opportunity for some beach time, bliss. And the night ends with stunning views across the water. A truly great day for mindful connection to the land and roots. 

I value time with special people in special places. I value fresh air, open spaces, rolling waves, trees and fields. 

I also have the opportunity to claim my first digital badge for the week, and link it to this post, evidencing my participation in MHAW. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Make my mihi 3

Wow, here I am launching myself into 'Make my mihi 3'!

So delighted to join in with this asynchronously. I am looking forward to catching up and being able to join in next week face to face. 

Today is all about mihi-ing to people in the room. At the heart of this is discernment - reading the room and responding to those who are here. Awareness and identifying the important moments is very important here. 

Step 1: An intro to your mihi (Starter)

Tēnā koutou

Kia ora rā (the rā gives the sentence more flow and makes it more emphatic)

Kia ora rawa atu (Many thanks)

E rere ana ngā mihi…….. (my mihi is starting to flow to you)

Tēnei ka mihi…… (This is me giving you a mihi)

Nei rā ngā mihi……(Here is my mihi)

Step 2: Who are you mihi-ing to? (Who are you greeting?)

E te/ngā

Kei te/ngā

(These two phrases go before a name)

Eg. Tēnei ka mihi ki a... (this is me giving my mihi to [insert name])

Ki a …. (to)

Ki a koe

Ki a koutou

E aku ……. (rangatira[chiefs]


E.g. ‘E rere ana ngā mihi ki a koutou(.) ‘e aku rangatira’

Kia ora rawa atu e ngā kaiako kua tautoko i a mātou
Many thanks to our teachers who have supported us

So, here we go for the first three weeks... 

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Greetings to you all that have gathered here this dayNgā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia.
Big greetings to you, the one who did the karakia
Tēnā koe, kei te kaiwhakahaere
Greetings, to the organiser
Kia ora rawa atu e ngā kaiako kua tautoko i a mātou
Many thanks to the teachers who have supported us

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia.
Tēnā koe, kei te kaiwhakahaere
Kia ora rawa atu e ngā kaiako kua tautoko i a mātou

Phew, I am just LOVING this new learning, now to practice it daily... watch out...

BOOM, recording and uploaded... 

What I have noticed is that I am becoming increasingly comfortable and noticeably more fluent. I do have a slight concern that I am taking on a lot, quickly. I need to revisit and practice daily.

Ngā mihi nui

Make my mihi 2

Well here I am back for "Make my mihi 2". Delighted to be building on this. 

It is not necessarily about the length of the greeting, but more about the act and knowing it is important. This is so important for me to remember. I am retyping my first line and practising daily.

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Greetings to you all that have gathered here this day

No we are are building a raupapa, a sequence.

‘Iti te kupu, nui te kōrero’
Although the message is small, it speaks volumes

Today we are learning about mihi-ing to the kai karakia. 

The sentence I am choosing is:

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia
Big greetings to you, who delivered the karakia

So the first two lines of my mihi are:

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia

And adding a third phrase in... wow...

Tēnā koe, kei te kaiwhakahaere
Greetings, to the organiser

So, three lines to record and remember...

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia.
Tēnā koe, kei te kaiwhakahaere

Teehee, four attempts, all uploaded... loving this new learning, and growth... bring on Make my mihi 3

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Make my mihi 1

Wow, so delighted to be here in this space finally. I am catching up on a couple of week's worth of learning here now. 

Make my mihi

I am learning about a mihi, (acknowledging other people, greeting people in a room, greeting circumstances)  which precedes my pepeha, which is locating me, with maunga, awa. 

Over the six weeks we are going to work on 6 steps in our mihi. We will be looking at and thinking of who is in our room. 

Today I had the absolute privilege of working with Te Mako, who supported me with my mihi.

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Tēnā koe Hohepa mō te karakia
Tēnā tātou katoa mō nga waiata parekareka
Kei ngā nihowera naumunaumaā te kai
Tēnā koe Te Mako mō te akoranga hou moku
Tēnā tātou katoa

Tonight I am catching up and committing to uploading to the site. So proud to have uploaded a recording of week one. Woohoo, onwards and upwards...

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Biking the Central Otago Rail Trail - exploring Ophir

After a day on the bikes we settled in to Omakau hotel and awaited our pick up from the Pitches store courtesy coach. 

We were able to have an hour exploring Ophir before dinner. What a stunning little town.  

First photo is of the post and telegraph office which is still an operational post office. 

Next door is the Peace Memorial Hall. 

The jail was pretty cute too, as was our prisoner Becky!

Across the street was my favourite building of them all, 'The Old Drapery Shop'. I was intrigued  mainly because I would love to know what my Mum's store in Roslyn looked like. She had Ms Kean's Seamstress Shop. What I would give to find records of this or see photos of this. Anyway, back to this store, it is well worth a visit and take time peering in the windows.

The next photo is of Pitches Store, where we were to shortly return for dinner. 

I loved the door on the next building. It is great to see how original it is. 

Next photo is of the bank which is now accommodation. 

I had to reach up high to get a photo of this cutie over the fence. 

This stone creekway is intriguing. It reminds me of the efforts that are being made to restore the old stone pavements in Naseby. We really do owe so much to our early pioneers. 

I have visited this building many times. It is often open as a craft and second hand store. 

This building also used to be open as a second hand store, but now has been converted back to accomodation. 

These cute little cottages are delightful. 

I do have a fascination with doors and these two are quite special. 

As the sun set we headed back to Pitches Store for a stunning dinner. The lampshades are stunning as are many of the decorations and additions to the Store. The bottles and glass retrieved from the Pit are displayed in front of the counter. 

Although I found the presentation bizarre, my Salmon was delicious. 

A stunning dessert wine and lemon meringue pie rounded off a simply awesome dining experience. I can thoroughly recommend a meal at Pitches Store. 

It is not surprising at all that they proudly display a number of awards. 

Back in the courtesy coach across to Omakau for a much needed early night, and a great sleep indeed. 

A stunning day indeed thanks Becky and Martin. Looking forward to more again tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Biking the Central Otago Rail Trail with Becky and Martin

For the longest time I have tagged Becky in posts about the Rail Trail and finally the day arrived, when Becky and Martin came to Naseby and we headed off on the trail. 

Colin Faulkner from 219 e-bike picked us up from Naseby and off we went in the glorious autumn sunshine. 

He dropped us at Oturehua and we explored the little town. I was fascinated to explore Gilchrist's store as I have never stopped there. What a treasure trove and what a blast from the past. 

Onto our bikes and away we went to our first coffee stop at Hayes Engineering, and a jolly good coffee it was too! 

Back on the bikes and off we went down the Ida Valley heading for Auripo. We past the Ida Burn dam, and stopped for multiple photos along the way. We loved the information in all the railway sheds. I especially liked learning the story of the beautiful apple trees all the way along the trail, grown from passengers cast offs, out the window as they travelled by rail all those years ago. Martin kindly picked us delicious heritage apples - YUM!

At Auripo we saw many families stopped for picnic lunches. We took the opportunity for photos on the hill beside the track. Becky, you sure do take great photos. 

Looking through the photos I am reminded yet again of the transformation that F45 has been. I thoroughly enjoyed the biking and felt fit and healthy biking even on the inclines. I have to say I was exceedingly grateful to be biking the downhill leg though. 

The weather was exceptional. I biked in a singlet top and truly got a little bit of autumn sun on my skin. The cloud formations were spectacular and we felt truly grateful for the sites, sounds and weather. 

The Otago Central Interplanetary Cycle Trail was another true photo opportunity bonus. We sure did have fun with the shadow on this one eh Becky. Not quite on target but a lot of fun nevertheless. 

From Auripo we continued on down the Poolburn gorge, through the two tunnels, continuing into the Ida Valley and over the Poolburn viaduct. 

I can't say that I enjoyed cycling over the viaducts, but they are pretty stunning. 

I remembered a head torch this time so the tunnels were no challenge at all. 

All too soon we were at Lauder and it was time for a delicious toasted sandwich for lunch. A few photos in the town and we were off on the final leg for the day. 

A short sharp ride down the slope and we arrived at Omakau, our destination for the night. 


 We were very pleasantly surprised with our accomodation for the night at Omakau Hotel

A delicious soak in the bath in the setting sun was an added bonus. And so ends the chapter of day one of biking. More to come, including the night tour of Ophir and dinner at Pitches store. Check back tomorrow for the next instalment....