‘to create beautiful things to allow others to create beautiful things…’
Goal of inspiring creative confidence… Enabling people to meet goals in fun ways.
STEAM education – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, (Combination Left and Right Brain) Including emotional, social
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, (Left Brain)
Hands on learning, interdisciplinary,
Defence research organisation
3D printing
Maker fair/makerspace
STEAM/STEM - bridging silos - holistic approach to teaching
Integrated teaching process - constructionism as a way of bringing ideas forward.
Moving from the idea that something is only worthwhile if it is HUGELY complex… - opposed to simple incremental approaches to learning which is valued!
Focus on engagement, understanding, reflection, creativity - about building confidence which technology is a conduit for!
The maker movement closely related to STEAM - maker movement economic and social part of STEAM.
Maker movement typified by 3D printing…
Arduino Low cost, open, electronics computing platform
Makey makey - eg piano of human interaction…. only limited by your imagination.
Engaging in the real world…
Repurposing and using elements in the world around us… eg tinfoil…
Bringing technology to life… world as a construction kit!
Bust open the world around us and use the bits to explore… Having the intellectual and emotional tools to repurpose, ‘Macguyverism!!!! love it !
Breaking down the learning area silos.
Engaging learning activities
Gender, cultural, socio-economics inequity - breaking down the barriers.
Space for creativity in life.
Brain and body engaged.
Unlocking the potential for creativity.