Friday, November 20, 2015

TEDXChristchurch - cross posted from CORE Education Blog

Slightly outside the sphere of education was the opportunity to attend #TEDXChristchurch.

I have been a fan of TEDtalks for the longest time. I think of them as a direct line into the minds of others, an opportunity to learn from others, “powerful ideas worth sharing”. I attribute many shifts in my thinking to deep reflection and critical thinking around TEDtalks.

“TED was born in 1984 out of Richard Saul Wurman's observation of a powerful convergence among three fields: technology, entertainment and design.” From a very humble beginning, to many iterations and additions, including TEDTalks, TEDGlobal, and TED-Ed, TEDX is now “a radical opening up of the TED format to local, independently organized events”.

What is it about TEDX that really excites me? What is it I love the most?
I love…
  • The opportunity to get outside of the educational realm I spend so much of my life in and connect with another crowd. 
  • Being ‘in the moment’ of TEDX. I love the way each speaker transports us to another dimension, takes us on a journey and invites us to connect with their idea worth sharing. 
  • The diversity of the talks and the audience. 
  • The timeframes of the talks… 
  • The holistic experience that is TEDX — from registering, to arriving, to participating and celebrating, we are immersed in a journey of discovery and imagination. 
  • The opportunity to reflect on the talks and capture snippets of the talks on my blog. 
  • The opportunity to capture snippets for our CORE Education blog. 
  • I love it all! 

We are inexorably changed as a result of attending TEDX. We cannot experience the emotions of ‘ideas worth sharing’ and awake the next day unchanged. From laughter, to tears, fear, grief, empathy, tension, awe, wonder and love, we've experienced it all on the day.

This was my fourth TedX and without a doubt it was the most emotive, powerful journey. The power of the human story today captured us and held us spellbound. A few highlights from the day:

Michele A'Court — thinking again about our voices
The meaning of life is connection. Find a community and share your voice. Make what you want to say count!

Rod Oram — thinking again about explorers
How can we live well on this planet? We are heading for ecological disaster, and we MUST take action to avoid the disaster we are rapidly heading towards? Poisoning our ecosystem MUST stop!

Robyn and Analise Twemlow — thinking again about Tourette's as a disability
What a rare and beautiful privilege to hear the story of a mum and her stunning daughter — a story that touches us all. Sooo much change is necessary to make a difference for sufferers of Tourettes' syndrome.

Dr Swee Tan — Cancer and strawberry birthmark: a revolutionary approach
Total awe and respect for this most humble genius of a man. The message I take from this is keeping asking questions, all the questions, dig deeper, and look further.

Carolina Izzo — thinking again about the importance of teamwork
How powerful to sit in the Isaac Theatre Royal and hear the story of the restoration, particularly of the dome. A story of team, perseverance and innovation and the dawning of the importance of the America's Cup for the carbon fibre lining to attach the restored canvas.

Craig Jarvis — thinking again about buildings that add life
Biophillia, my favourite new word of the day, a work meaning our connection with nature, our love of life, our ability to sustain life; physically, mentally, socially, spiritually and emotionally.

Eric Liu — The three essential ingredients for active citizenship
An American that spoke with the heart of Canterbury, and understanding of the re-build and the MAGIC of gap-fillers. Eric introduced a clever phrase "Techtonic shifts", changes all of what we understand and knew. He spoke of three elements of citizenship; power, imagination and character … at the core of what we do and why we do it!

Matt Vickers — thinking again about the choices we have and how we die
Assisted dying, infringement of human rights? Lecretia's story! A story so powerful, told so powerfully.

Julian Arahanga & Ladi6 — A music programme in prison that transforms lives
Hearing of the MAGIC of the story that is 'songs from the inside'. Touched so much by the strength of the message that all we need is someone to believe in you. The power of the mentoring is so precious in this story. Valuing and embracing the stories that NEED to be heard, and NEED to be understood!

CORE colleagues at TEDX Christchurch

Indeed we have feasted on a fine bounty of stories from the heart of the teller, direct to our hearts and souls.

We are richer for the experience, for hearing the stories of others, for being a part of a community that gathers together for good!

We have walked in the mocassins of many today!

The greatest impact on my thinking is: listen to the stories; respect the stories and the storytellers; speak up, share our own stories; ask questions, challenge, and delve deep; but most important to me is the message that all any of many need is ONE significant other who believes in us, believes we will be a success…

Aroha and gratitude to all who share their story…

I invite you to explore TEDtalks and share your thoughts about how we can change the world ‘from the ground up’.
Additional resources:

Take time to read this article to get an appreciation of the journey from humble beginnings to the stage at Isaac Theatre Royal:
The history of History of TED — How did a one-off conference about technology, entertainment and design become a viral video phenomenon and a worldwide community of passionate people?

And if you want a taste of the very first talks, check out this view list:
The first 6 TEDtalks