Saturday, October 29, 2016

TEDx Christchurch - WOW

WOW what a day... Here we are in Christchurch at TEDx...
I am, as always, totally in awe of the power of the story.  Today is my first ever TEDx of seven device free.  I am taking notes, in the dark, in a little lined notebook.  It is my first attempt to capture TED talks in a sketchnotey type of way.  I am loving it.  It is focusing me in on the CORE of the message.  I am loving it...
So, at the end of the day, or sometime over the weekend, I will upload my sketchnote, and my key takeaways.

My first absolute highlight was seeing our Gemma on stage, and hearing Gemma.  WOW Gemma, you are amazing.  Your sound captured us, heart, mind and soul.  You looked a taonga, in the CORE korowai.  Your voice is a beautiful gift you shared with us all...

Photos to come... 

Friday, October 28, 2016

TEDx Christchurch - Grant Ryan

Grant Ryan

"Grant is a two-time TEDxChristchurch alumnus and a hopelessly addicted inventor. He has founded a number of companies including (sold to NBCi), Real Contacts (sold to Intel), SLI Systems (listed NZX) and Eurekster, YikeBike and Pure Pods. He is now having fun trying to help make NZ predator free with The Cacophony Project. He has also served on the board of the New Zealand Government's $140 million Venture Investment Fund, $430 million Foundation for Research Science and Technology. Grant has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Ecological Economics from the University of Canterbury."

WOW!!! LOved this talk! Dreaming of a predator free NZ!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Day 3: Social Media

“Being ‘networked’ or having digital connections in today’s online world is increasingly important both personally and professionally. Many of us rely on social media to keep in touch with friends and family; to learn, to create and share; to promote our skills, products and services or to carry out key aspects of daily work.“
Video: Networked organisations

In this CORE EDtalks video, Karen Spencer talks about how networks enable us to collaborate, connect across teams, offer open pathways to learning, maximise virtual platforms and encourage self-selected networking and personal growth: Networked organisations.

I can not imagine trying to ‘go it alone’. I am so reliant on Social Media, that it is almost impossible to imagine a time without it. My daughter shared an image of a phone booth with me on facebook today, and it was tagged, mobile phone of our youth. I recalled a story of my car breaking down when I went on holiday with a friend in my recently purchased car at the tender age of sixteen. After taking it to be repaired I had to use a phone booth, make a collect call, and ask my Mum to put the money in my account for me to pay the bill. She had to drive to the nearest town to do this, and I had to go to the bank in the nearest town to withdraw it the next day. How unbelievably archaic does this all sound in our instant, mobile society.

So, a little off track maybe, but oh so relevant to the changing times, and the benefits on offer through social media.

How are you connected? How are you social online?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Day 2: ‘What is ‘web 2.0’?

Today’s learning focuses on the use of Google Apps for Education, or Google Cloud is it now becoming known. I think back to 2008, when the amazing Dave Young supported me to get every learner with their own email to access our class wiki to allow for a fully blended learning experience. This was difficult and technically challenging. I am forever indebted to Dave for supporting me to accomplish this, and forever have the learner in the centre of anything I was doing. I often hear, where is the learner, what difference will this technology make, why are you doing this, and similar challenges in my mind as I explore new options with learners. As the web becomes increasingly collaborative, we are privileged to explore and offer future focused opportunities for all learners. For me, Simon Sinek’s golden circle, somewhat modified, is always at the centre of my thinking.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

CENZ16_Starter Kete - Blogging challenge!

So, I have been wondering how I can really focus on what it is to be a connected educator. On my flight home from WOW (World of Wearable Arts Awards) in Wellington, I decided to work my way through each day of the starter kete and blog my journey. So here goes…

“Connections change teaching practice.” I have believed this for the longest time. Being connected with educators locally, nationally and globally, I have the potential to be a far more future focused, reflective educator than I do alone. “As educators grow into connected learners, they not only start to ask more critical questions of each other related to practice, but they also begin to actively listen and closely attend to varied perspectives that may help the community of learners to move forward.” 

What a surprise for me as I read through this day one, to find Claire and my edTalk, Something to tweet about.

Reflection on Day 1. My life as an educator changed significantly on the 23rd of February 2010 when I joined Twitter. Up until that day, I felt my professional development had been very much limited to face to face conversations, conferences and reading. From the day of joining, I found Twitter offered me an opportunity to connect and network with educators who were grappling with similar challenges, exploring possibilities and pushing boundaries. I am forever grateful to Claire Buist for introducing me to Twitter. Since joining my twitter PLN has grown to include educators across the world. Many of these educators have been hugely influential in my educational pathways, and have supported, challenged and encouraged me. Many of these educators I now have the pleasure of calling colleagues and friends. Many of these educators have enriched my life in ways too numerous to detail. 

I cannot help but encourage you to explore day one and connect and find or extend your PLN. 

This sketchnote from the amazing Sylvia Duckworth, a twitter colleague and friend, captures the MAGIC of Twitter for us!