Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday in and around Taranaki....

Continuing the magic of family times.  Mum and Doug and I set off on an adventure to visit grand children and great grandchildren.  Does anyone know this magic park we stopped at along the way?  

Travelling 2 hours south for lunch with family, I decided to travel on a bit further to catch up with Regan Orr at Koputaroa School.  Just another hour south and what a magic visit.  Regan and I originally met in 2006 on an Apple Bus Tour in Christchurch and have been chatting on twitter together for ages.  
Canterbury Apple Bus Tour 2006 

It was magic to meet up again and have an amazing discussion about the leadership journey and leading with passion.  Thanks for sharing your exciting learning adventures Regan.  It was awesome to visit your school, and I look forward to keeping in touch…  

Two and a half hours later and I arrived back in Hawera for a great family dinner again…

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