Monday, December 12, 2011

The TRUE STARS of Twitter Tour 2011

I was exceptionally fortunate to win a study scholarship for 2011.  Alongside my study I dreamt up "Twitter Tour 2011".  I have just read my very first blog posts for this year and note this entry made in March...

 "This journey for me is about making connections, sharing stories, exploring, and having fun along the way touring our country."

This journey has exceeded anything I could have imagined.  I have had the great fortune to travel around New Zealand and meet the most AMAZING, PASSIONATE, INSPIRING, SHARING educators!  I have been welcomed into schools, classes and homes around New Zealand.  I have tried to leave a little something wherever I have traveled, be it a story, a memory or a giggle.  I am in awe of everyone's generosity of time, ideas, collaboration and hospitality!

I feel VERY rich from this experience and want to thank you all.  It is just not possible to thank you all individually so please feel the gratitude from deep within my heart.  You are all STARS!

I have tried to include all of the stars I have met this year!  If I have accidentally missed you - please let me know, or know that you are a special part of my journey!  And to all of those I have met who are not Tweets, thanks for the rich layer you have added.  Last but not least, thanks to my Twitter PLN - those of you I haven't met. Your posts, ideas, and links 'light up my world'!

As I return to the classroom in 2012, I take with me the rich tapestry of learning from you all.  I am so excited about the collaboration opportunities I have lined up.  I know that 2012 will be an incredible year for all my learners and for me, thanks to the rich learning journey I have been on.

Thank you all.


  1. LOVE the star!

    All the best for future collaboration; in the meantime have a great Christmas break.

  2. Awww thanks so much Anne. Was a pleasure to meet you. Magic!

  3. Who would have ever thought that one conversation could lead to so much inspiration... Wish I had your energy, confidence and zing! Absolutely loved sharing your tour virtually :)


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