Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meeting the families

Tonight was AMAZING!  My scheduled time to meet with the families was 7.15 to 7.30 but of course it went for a lot longer. I was delighted to see such a huge turnout!  I was even more delighted to share my presentation then let the discussion evolve.  What wonderful challenges, questions, discussion, ideas!  I think it is invaluable to keep everyone as informed as possible and this is even more crucial during times of change.  Our learning space journey and our BYOD option is really creating discussion, question and enthusiasm.  We don't have all the answers yet.  We are very excited to be trialing lots of innovative, collaborative learning opportunities.  Our next move is to get our student wireless network up and running.  We are discussing a school wide meeting with families to look at our technological short and long term plan.  The next steps for me are to move towards a blended learning environment on the wiki and blog.  Our wiki is now our communication point to parents through our 'notices' page.  I have already had very favourable feedback from families with this ease of information sourcing.


  1. Hi, Anne. I am a trainee teacher in my final year, and I would just like to say how inspiring I have found your collaborative teaching philosophy. We read a lot of research that tells us what a huge impact positive parent-school-community partnerships can have on student engagement and achievement, but how different teachers interpret and implement that is vastly different. Of course, there are different strokes for different folks and that is how it should be, but your expansive approach to learning has struck a chord with me.
    I study online and internally so have experienced blended learning in some depth, and I can recommend it. Once the 'how to' is sorted out, some students find having the ability to direct the pace and scope of their learning very beneficial. Of course, having adequate support systems in place via wiki, blogs,skype, twiducate and forums is essential and your strategies for involving the parents/caregivers and wider community are fantastic. From your wiki,I have realised that I too have a fabulous network of colleagues around the country who can form the basis of our own student's collaborative learning network when we are in schools next year, and beyond. So thank you so much!
    Megan Brett

  2. Hi Megan, thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate hearing from you. I would love to know where you are based and if you are on Twitter. Twitter is my lifeline and I have an extensive PLN who are the most AMAZING support! I was sooooooo excited with the very challenging, thought provoking discussion with the families. We have talked about it a lot at school today and know what a very exciting journey we are on. I studied two e-learning papers last year and firmly believe in the concepts of blended learning and collaboration. I hope you have a fantastic final year and just know how excited you will be to be with your own class. I feel so privileged to love my work! Thanks again, your comment made my day!


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