Thursday, August 23, 2012

Core e-fellow MASTER CLASS 3

Despite challenging myself to early nights this week I only managed to get off to bed about 11 last night and I was wide awake at 4.20 when Katie headed off to swimming and despite every relaxation technique I could not get back to sleep, maybe it is just toooo exciting.  So I was up and ready by 6.  My check in time was 7.35 so off we went in the -1 frost..

What a surprise I got to walk into an empty airport – and I mean empty… I finally found someone to help me and learned that my flight had been cancelled and rescheduled for 7.20am departure and it was taxiing out at that very moment…
The staff could not have been more compassionate and helpful and I was rebooked on the next flight out at 10.05. I rapidly flipped my emotions and realised that some good would come of this change… will let you know what it is as and when it happens…
I sent a txt to Michael and he phoned me with such genuine kindness and care for my well being – MAGIC number one as a result of missed flight. 
I got to have a long phone chat with Mum and Katie – MAGIC number 2.
I am enjoying a very nice latte courtesy of Velluto – MAGIC number 3.
I have a relaxed time to blog and read and chat and further anticipate the MAGIC of reconnecting with the wonderful e-fellows and Jo and Michael – MAGIC number 4.
So looking ahead to the two days together I thought I might jot down some of the truly MAGICal aspects of being an e-fellow.
Way back in November last year when I first got the e-mail advising I had been awarded an e-fellowship with Core education I was in shock.  I spent a time in and out of stages of intense excitement, unworthiness, and anticipation.  I was in awe of the new pathway opening before me as I returned to school after a year’s study leave. 
Our first meeting in March was amazing.  We are a very diverse bunch, one early childhood, one librarian, three primary teachers.  We are geographically spread from Whangarei to Mosgiel.  Our daily lives are distinct, MAGIC and unique.  We immediately gelled and conversations, sharing and inspiration flowed.  Guided and nurtured by Josephine and Michael Winter the true MAGIC of the e-fellowship wrapped us in a magical mystical specialness, celebrating our learning journeys.  Staying together can only be described as all of the MAGIC of school camp without any stress.  We chat and geek into the wee small hours and a real bond is developing.
Our second session started at a collaborative point above anything I can explain.  We share a common bond, purpose, enthusiasm, passion… Session two was very cohesive as we worked on our presentations for Ulearn and put together a submission for ICOT – International Conference of Thinking – in Wellington in January 2013. (which has since been accepted)  This is indeed MAGICal as it will maintain the fellowship through to the next year and it is an international conference – no mean feat indeed.
Session three is today and tomorrow and I just can’t wait to get there…
9.05 Still sitting in the airport when Kyle from McCoy Wixon phoned, so able to fully discuss the dimensions and placement of the smartboards for the new school. Pure MAGIC number 5 to get to chat through a couple of “essentials” as I see it… a drop down screen and projection for the learning corridor.  Great to get the chance to chat and set up a meeting to discuss this further next week.
Not so MAGIC – the thought that I will be in the air when Ulearn bookings re-open…. Hmm – hope I still get my choices… I am sure good will come out of this…
MAGIC number 6 – Kevin (AirNZ) giving me a hug to make up for me missing my flight as I finally boarded…
MAGIC number 7 – Sitting in 13A – me, sitting in 13B, Mother of a past student… what a journey chatting and catching up on life…  MAGIC number 8 – hearing the story of Lynn who is starting 

Soooo exciting to hear the MAGIC of someone who can drive and care for those who need it most… a real chance to make some bucket list dreams come true…
MAGIC – getting here – and the learning, the inspiration, the conversation, the motivation the MAGIC is ramping right up….

More later….

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