Thursday, April 24, 2014

LM-YES! Using Google Sites as a Learning Management System

LM-YES! Using Google Sites as a Learning Management System

Wendy Gorton - leading us into using a site to enable us to create, store, and use one space to share the learning journey!

Looking at the functionality of Google Sites.

Woohoo - great to hear that Google Sites is about to get some serious TLC!  How exciting is this!!!

Using a google site for a fully blended experience!  Instant, easy access!

Excellent start with a google form!  A great idea to have the results of the form visible for all to see and read through when they are done!

Making and sharing a google site template.... Anything in the site will copy over as you create your own personal copy!

Take some time to plan how I architect the learning environment!  

Using Google draw to create image for consistency across my site!

Use Site - with very specific instructions - create a system that works for you!  Allow for the sharing of docs.  Allow for sharing with others through the permissions in docs. 

Site overlays over drive!  

Add on to docs - eg doctopus - create all the folders for you!

Insert a folder - choose grid mode! 

Make the site work for me!!!! 

Absolutely MAGIC session!!!

Keep site as view only!  Turn specific pages to 'edit'.  

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