Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mentoring - what a journey

(Cross Posting from VPLD -

Thinking back to late January and the Developing Virtual Mentor (DVM) hui in Christchurch seems such a long time ago.  What an incredible journey it has been.  
My previous experience as a DP, my Masters in Educational Leadership, and my time leading has been a base for development, and mentoring is adding a new layer, a new challenge, a new dimension.  
Only as I began to delve into the DVM programme was I aware of the potential of mentoring in any relationship. My world has really opened up as I have been privileged to grow through being mentored and through mentoring. I must emphasise the value of the mentoring I have received.  It has moved me beyond what I thought I was capable of, has challenged, supported and enriched me and I am so much greater for the experience. I am in awe of the resourcing and support that is in this VPLD programme and I am indebted to all who have supported me, shown confidence in me, and been there for me.  
Developing my skills of mentoring have been an integral part of my development in my VPLD role, my other professional roles and also in my personal life.  I remember Manu coining the phrase 'situational analyst' at our January hui, and this term has been somewhat of a mantra for me.  We weave gently in and out of roles, challenges; times of quiet and noise, times of need and support, challenge and provocation; times of despair and hope; times of trial and celebration.  Being aware of the situation, analysing the situation and responding appropriately can take time; days, weeks, months, or can happen on the fly.  I want to acknowldege the extreme privilege of being part of a journey that is growing me in my resilience and responsiveness.
This year has been a roller coaster of emotions.  Being aware of my role, my journey, my privilege, has opened me to real personal growth.  From times of feeling completely inqdequate, feeling out of my depth, feeling supportive and involved, feeling a part of a transformative journey; all adding to the journey that is my development as a mentor.  
I want to offer a debt of gratitude to those I have had the pleasure of mentoring. Thank you for your time, honesty, commitment and patience. A journey I hope we are all richer for!

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