Monday, December 1, 2014

"We make the road by walking..."

Today I have the privilege of reading around Reggio Emilia. I want to capture quotes as I go, to help shape and record my thinking:
The fundamentals of the Reggio Approach are:

  • Children as:
    • protagonists;
    • collaborators;
    • communicators
  • Environment as:
    • third teachers;
  • Teachers as:
    • partners, nurtures, guides;
    • researchers;
  • Documentation as:
    • communication;
  • Parents as:
    • partners...
I love the phrase... "the transformative power of education based on dialogue and critical inquiry."

"The way to do something is to start doing it and learn it."  "The question for me is how is it possible for us, in the process of making the road, to be clear and to clarify our OWN making of the road".  (from conversations between Myles Horton and Paulo Freire (1990).)

It is crucial for us to clarify our own identity, culture, way of being, before we copy the ways of another.  

A way to begin could be with an in-depth look at the following:
  1. What children deserve;
  2. What families deserve;
  3. What staff deserve.
And adding 'why'? 

I am really excited by my new learning today!  Indeed, I want to hold onto the phrase "We make the road by walking..."

Caldwell, L.B. (1997). Bringing Reggio Emilia Home. New York: Teachers College Press
Carter, M. (2009). Doing Reggio? 

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