Damian Scarf started his career at the University of Otago as a psychology student.
As an overachiever, his anxiety pushed him to cut off different parts of his social life in order to get higher grades. As he left his rugby team and circle of friends, his grades went from C’s to A’s, but in the process, he lost his stability and sense of purpose.
Now, the student has become the master. Damian calls his professors colleagues, and has done extensive research into cognition and memory development.
At TEDxDunedin, he brings his wealth of knowledge on human cognition to explain the debilitating intersection of isolation and anxiety.
Anxiety... As an expert strategist...
Connections with those around us bolster our resilience... Groups are critical to our well being...
The social cure...
The noise in head of anxiety... Quitting groups... Schedule gruelling schedule...
Anxiety driving... Controlling.... Taking over...
Depression taking the place of anxiety...
Where is our sense of belonging.... Our sense of resilience....
Suicide accounting for far too many deaths... Transition to university...
Spirit of adventure... Comparable to outward bound... Thesis of voyage - running voyage and supporting...
Group providing support... Sense of belonging...
Again Fionna's quote rings loud in my ears... Every action serves to include or exclude...
Sense of belonging, feeling connected and accepted...
Building social relationships... Belonging.... Cures many ills... Serves to increase wellness...
What makes us feel we belong?
Just WOW!!!!