Saturday, October 3, 2015

Max Suckling #TEDXChristchurch

Professor Max Suckling leads the biosecurity research group at Plant & Food Research and is a Professor at the University of Auckland. He studies a very wide range of pest and beneficial insects, with a strong chemical ecology focus. They use electrophysiology and behavioural tools to resolve questions about the chemistry of natural signalling products, including insect attractants. The group have been recognised with a range of awards, including New Zealand Innovators (2013) for work on commercialising moth sex pheromones.

Let's talk about the ants... Beware the 'crazy' ants - they'll destroy your electronics...

Also, beware the pesticides..

Pesticide resistant moths... 

Just as one man can identify his wife while blindfolded by his wife's perfume... so a moth identifies his mate... by introduces the same smell everywhere the moths are confused and don't mate...

Pheromones... introducing a smell into the environment.. like introducing the same perfume into a room... none of the males can find their mate... no sex in the orchard... no reproduction...

The success with the moths, transferred to ant problems.. 

The power of pheromone... ants can't get home without a trail... order to chaos in the ant world... Trail following reduces by 90%.

Why oh why are we still using pesticides? HOPE for a pesticide free future on the near horizon....

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