We reflect on our overarching PLD outcomes:
The NZ Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Priority Learners
Quality Teahing
Learning with Digital Technologies
Reflecting on the journey as we have transitioned from ICT PD, to BeL (blended e-learning), to LwDT (Learning with Digital Technologies).
A time now to look at the potential of our new cluster model, what we have learnt from our previous experiences, what we can hang on to, let go of, and explore further.
Our texts:
Realizingthe Power of Professional Learning: Adaptive expertise, adaptive capacity, role of teachers.
LearningTalk - Joan Dalton
Generative Leadership - Karl J. Klimek,
Exploring our chain of influence. Looking at story mapping. Celebrating the power of ‘story hui’, as a way of gathering additional data, adds another powerful tool to our kete. As facilitators from our Maori Medium Team share success with the tool I’m inspired and enthused to use this with our e-leaders in our ways of working this year.
Exploring the Why? How? What? of our monitoring and evaluation.
Monitoring and evaluating - to know if what we are doing is making a difference. This monitoring and evaluating must be an integral part of our way of working.
Our next steps:
Story huiFacilitator PLD
Team/Partnership model
Narrative therapy
Allowing time to talk
Knowing how to question
Story hui is an alternative to what we are doing, it is gathering evidence, looking at the bones and the heart, to describe the journey that the educators, learners have been on. Showing what is and what is not working and looking at the WHY! Story hui is at the end of the journey, gathering the story.
Alongside this there were many more fabulous sessions which I will blog at a later date!
WOW what a day!
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