Friday, December 13, 2024

Reviewing the SENCO responsibilities of my LSC role




Anne K - 2024 review

Overall Responsibilities

Coordinate support from appropriate agencies and organisations for ākonga who have additional needs. A work in progress right throughout 2024. As the needs seem to be increasing, it is increasingly challenging to access support. I continue to develop networks, across our Beachside Cluster, across our Otago LSC team, and with external agencies to access and coordinate support. I have applied for Accelerator for 2025, which is a 15-week community-based professional learning programme exploring support networks across Ōtepoti. 

Ensure that ākonga, parents, caregivers, whānau, kaiako and kaiawhina all have a voice to ensure the best possible holistic outcomes. Advocating is a HUGE part of this role and I continue to strive to ensure best possible outcomes. It has been a real focus this year to develop strong relationships.

Specific Responsibilities

Contribute to the development of Individual Education Plans.  Actively involved in IEPs, hui and planning. For 2025, systems will be streamlined to ensure effective monitoring and recording of progress and support. 

Develop a schedule/timetable for O.R.S. review and planning meetings.  Monitored as part of Tainui Learning Support Register which is reviewed fortnightly. A specific schedule will be part of the 2025 system. 

Liaise with our Co-Deputy Principals in regard to the allocation and coordination of staffing support. Regular discussions with Deputy Principals and SLT. Throughout the year connection with the leadership team has grown, and I am grateful for this. 

Communicate and liaise with specialists, parents, caregivers, whānau and kaimahi. Ongoing regular communication to ensure development of open, trusting relationships. I often meet with whānau, and support them with appointments.

Oversee the appraisal of teacher aides (including gathering statements from kaiako). I met with Kaiawhina each term, supported the gathering of evidence for PGC and Story Hui to capture stories of success. Gathering the voice of Kaiako can be a focus for 2025.

Lead termly teacher aide hui.  Done, focussing on positive emotions, gratitude and strengths throughout 2024. We will start 2025 with strengths, and use these to ‘jobcraft’, maximising our strengths in our individual roles. 

Provide guidance and support to kaiako and teacher aides.  A continual work in progress. 2024 has seen the development of trusting relationships, enabling support and growth. I have especially enjoyed connecting with Kaiawhina, listening to them, seeing them in action and celebrating their successes. 

Coordinate with team leaders to ensure the Learning Support Register is up to date.  Regular hui to ensure LSR is current and evidence based. Termly reflection on each student on the LSR, and connection with Kaiako to ensure needs are being met. 2025 will see a greater linking to target students and hopefully offer streamlined access to data on all students. 

Liaise with teacher aides and kaiako re ORS, ESOL, ICS, BEH and HHN ākonga.  Regular catch ups, informal and formal, especially so for one team. I look forward to this continuing in 2025. 

Plan for and meet twice a  term with our liaison Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour.  Done. Continuing to develop a strong, working relationship with our Liaison RTLB. 

Attend PLD and share new learning with kaimahi.  Done, specifically sharing around Neurodiversity and ELL. PLD this year has included; Tilt the Seesaw for LSC’s, webinars, LSC hui, and extensive reading.

Records and files kept updated and saved to a Google Folder that is shared with the Principal.  Done, regularly updated. 

Liaise with our Beachside Cluster Learning Support Coordinators.  Twice termly hui, and termly reporting to Cluster Principals. 

Apply for additional support and or funding as required.  An ongoing process. I continue to develop my network and realise funding opportunities. I am grateful that positive relationships developed in 2024 have ensured we have been successful for funding. (ELL, Speech Language Therapy, IRF, Assistive Technology, RTLB….)

Kia ora Anne,

Thank you for reflecting on your four terms of mahi in the SENCO role. Your comments and review marries up with the many conversations we’ve had during this time, and it’s great to hear about your plans for 2025 - now that you know what the role entails … not that you haven’t known - it’s just that you can now see what you’d like to do differently and how you can streamline and gain access to supports.

In spite of only being with us for just under one year, you’ve already and most definitely made an impact on learners, whānau, kaiako and kaiwahina. Tino pai!

E noho rā

Shelley Wilde

Tumuaki ~ Principal

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