Sunday, February 16, 2014

Learning about life from a concert in a Vineyard!

Here goes my thinking around a whirlwind roadie…

Yesterday I had the privilege of being hosted on a road trip to the beautiful Gibbston Valley Vineyard for the Summer Music Festival!  This trip was extremely well organized and I want to take time to reflect on the lessons for me in it!

We were picked up from the bottom of our drive at 7am!
Be early and meet the learner where they are at!

The bus was extremely comfortable and kitted out with everything we could possibly need for the day!
Have a kit that can cater for any eventualities!

We stopped repeatedly along the way to gather up travellers.
Always stop and welcome in new members!

We made regular comfort stops.
Cater for the needs of all!

Before we got to the venue we were given tickets, lanyards, meeting details and a queue bypass!
Be prepared and take shortcuts when you can, if they lead to success!

We were fed, watered, entertained, sunblocked and cared for on the day!
Keep your learners as comfortable and safe as possible at all times!

We had a ‘corporate’ area to retreat to but were free to explore the site and socialize at leisure.
Always provide a safe haven for learners but allow freedom to go beyond the immediate!

We partied!
Celebrate and enjoy life!

On the road we allowed smaller, faster vehicles around and past us!
Acknowledge the progress of all and cater for it to the best of our ability!

We picked up those who were walking at times.
Always seize the moment for a random act of kindness.

We paced ourselves and truly worked as a team to ensure all got on and off the bus at the correct times and places.
Empower learners to always look out for everyone around them!

We celebrated a diverse range of people, costumes and musical tastes.
Identify and celebrate diversity!

We reached our destination, celebrated and returned home!
Empower our learners to set goals, achieve them, celebrate then, and return to base to set new goals!

I wonder how we could use this lens over our journeys with our learners!
I would love to hear your thoughts about my list and ideas for what else I could include!

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