Thursday, September 5, 2019

Make my mihi 3

Wow, here I am launching myself into 'Make my mihi 3'!

So delighted to join in with this asynchronously. I am looking forward to catching up and being able to join in next week face to face. 

Today is all about mihi-ing to people in the room. At the heart of this is discernment - reading the room and responding to those who are here. Awareness and identifying the important moments is very important here. 

Step 1: An intro to your mihi (Starter)

Tēnā koutou

Kia ora rā (the rā gives the sentence more flow and makes it more emphatic)

Kia ora rawa atu (Many thanks)

E rere ana ngā mihi…….. (my mihi is starting to flow to you)

Tēnei ka mihi…… (This is me giving you a mihi)

Nei rā ngā mihi……(Here is my mihi)

Step 2: Who are you mihi-ing to? (Who are you greeting?)

E te/ngā

Kei te/ngā

(These two phrases go before a name)

Eg. Tēnei ka mihi ki a... (this is me giving my mihi to [insert name])

Ki a …. (to)

Ki a koe

Ki a koutou

E aku ……. (rangatira[chiefs]


E.g. ‘E rere ana ngā mihi ki a koutou(.) ‘e aku rangatira’

Kia ora rawa atu e ngā kaiako kua tautoko i a mātou
Many thanks to our teachers who have supported us

So, here we go for the first three weeks... 

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Greetings to you all that have gathered here this dayNgā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia.
Big greetings to you, the one who did the karakia
Tēnā koe, kei te kaiwhakahaere
Greetings, to the organiser
Kia ora rawa atu e ngā kaiako kua tautoko i a mātou
Many thanks to the teachers who have supported us

Tēnā tātou katoa e hui mai nei i tēnei ra.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, e te kaikarakia.
Tēnā koe, kei te kaiwhakahaere
Kia ora rawa atu e ngā kaiako kua tautoko i a mātou

Phew, I am just LOVING this new learning, now to practice it daily... watch out...

BOOM, recording and uploaded... 

What I have noticed is that I am becoming increasingly comfortable and noticeably more fluent. I do have a slight concern that I am taking on a lot, quickly. I need to revisit and practice daily.

Ngā mihi nui

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