Thursday, November 21, 2013

Literacy Online Update - 23 September 2013

Kia ora tātou,
Here we are in the last week of term.  I hope you all have something special planned for the break.
Last week’s conversation and interaction have certainly proved to be thought provoking. 
Thanks to Breda Matthews for this wonderfully powerful clip!
“The powerful and important thing about spoken word is, it doesn’t matter what the words look like on paper,” said Sarah Kay, a poet and the founder of a nonprofit organization that brings spoken-word poetry to schools. “It’s about what it sounds like when you say it out loud.” 
Technology enables us to really ‘hear’ our poetry. How can we use the tools available to empower our writers to hear their written works?  How can we share this with our readers/listeners? 
There are so many tools available to us that are so user friendly. 
Fotobabble allows us to capture a photo of our work and read it on.
Voicethread allows us to record onto a range of images.
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages.
Voki lets you add voice to your avatar.
Telegami lets you create and share an animated message.
Have you used any or got examples of powerful ways to motivate writers and share their voice?
I am posting a link to Joshua Iosefo's Inspiring Speech - Brown Brother This is an incredibly powerful clip to share with learners.  How can you use this clip to motivate your writers?
Special Education Conference Opportunity this week
The Special Education Principals’ Association of New Zealand extends an invitation to principals, teachers, therapists, specialists and SENCOs to attend the 2013 Special Education Practitioners’ Conference 26 – 27 September in Auckland.  The conference will cover use of new technologies to empower students to own their learning and will challenge your thinking, motivate you and provide you with tools and strategies for your on-going support of your students’ learning.  Click here to register and click here for more information.
Finally for today, I wonder how you are using story builder with your class… I have been having a play today and see HUGE potential for this.  Check out the little clip I made today, make one yourself and share ideas for how you could you this with your literacy learners…
Ngā mihi nui
Anne Kenneally
Literacy Online Primary Facilitator
CORE Education

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