Saturday, January 31, 2015

Trip three…. for 2015

Stunning shots of Taieri Mouth! Very lucky for me, the storm has passed and the skies have calmed.  The sensational thunder and lightning storm grounded the Wellington flight but not the Auckland flight.

 Woohoo, off again in a whirl.  I do tend to feel slightly cheated when the work week starts on a Sunday night. But, I always temper this with the fact that in this role, mostly my Sunday nights are my own.  I really do not miss the Sunday night set-up.  I do miss the kids though, and I do miss children’s literature.  I chuckle to myself as I now delight in buying books, for friends children, and just for me to have.

So, here I am Auckland bound for the Te Toi Tupu Consortium Hui to start the year.  This is a HUGE gathering with well over 200 of us at the Holiday Inn.  I love these gatherings.  It is a once a year opportunity to come together as a consortium and it is always a fun, learning, fabulous time.

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