Welcome back to my blog… I have been
absent during an extremely busy time in my work and personal life. I consciously made the decision to forego my
commitment to blog daily during March as it was obviously becoming an extra stress
in my day as opposed to a pleasure!
I am delighted to be back and I have so
many blog posts tumbling in my head just waiting to get out into these keyboard
Today I am flying to Auckland for the
privilege of a two day Pasifika hui. I
am extremely excited about this opportunity and want to commit the following
Immerse myself in the
Pasifika experience
Connect and
collaborate with Pasifika leaders and participants
Build on my Pasifika
Language and pronunciation
Build on my Pasifika
knowledge and protocols
Develop my knowledge
around PEP
Celebrate Polyfest
Capture ideas to take
into my schools immediately
Share my learning via
Social media #corepasifika15
Blog my experiences
WOW – excited!!!!
Just read through my posts from last year - even more excited now....
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