Monday, October 28, 2013

The Elpld Hui

Two days together with the entire team was AMAZING.  Back in March we all met for two days but since then it has mainly been online connecting.  It really is MAGIC to come together face to face as a group for professional development.  Although structured to meet our needs and timetabled to maximize our time together this hui has an unconference feel in parts.  We have choice of our breakouts for the sessions run by facilitators – able to choose 8 from a possible 12 sessions unless we are presenting.  I think it is very important for us to have this agency.  As facilitators we are unique and diverse, and this freedom allows us to develop to meet our needs and the needs of our schools.  We were privileged to learn, grow, share around Maori achieving success as Maori, supporting schools to move the Pasifika Education Plan to a Pasifika Action Plan to meet the needs of their learners.  We also were given the extreme privilege of 30 minutes to “Be” with someone to discuss and share the story of one of our priority learners.  We learnt more of the story of N4L.  Highlights for me from our time together are:
·      He tangata, he tangata, he tangata – how fabulous it is to reconnect with the team;
·      Time to “BE” is essential to really developing and deepening thoughts;
·      Welcoming new members to the team is essential and what a wonderful way to do it, with us sharing their story and welcoming – one on one to the team;
·      Reflection on our journey is crucial;
·      We have sooo much to learn from experienced facilitators;
·      Time to really connect with others is very important;
·      Whenever and wherever possible make time to connect with those we don’t see often;
·      Keep coming back to new ideas, reconnect, refocus, rethink…
·      Add on time for meetings when you are in a town;
·      Continually absorb ‘best practice’ for presenting.

Next steps for me:
Ways of growing online communities!
I am very keen to collaborate with others to share practice on how to develop interaction in online communities.
Enable workshops:
Next week I am extremely privileged to be presenting an enable workshop on Engaging Literacy Learners Using Online Apps, and supporting Mark with two Modern Learning Environment workshops.
My recent experiences at Ulearn, LEE hui, and Bel Hui are really sharpening my focus on explicitly meeting the needs of my participants.  Surveying is a start – I get to connect and get some back ground information to help me meet individual needs.   Allow time for participants to really connect, interact and develop.

I am loving my learning journey!

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