Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Core ed breakfast with DK - YAY - it really is okay to PLAY

On Wednesday the 28th of September I went to another awesome Core Ed Breakfast. This session was with DK on Social Media. What an awesome, entertaining session this was. We started with a look at social media versus social networking then ventured forth on an entertaining timeline… Sometimes it is hard to grasp how much has changed in our lifetimes… (Oops, that sounds very grown up now doesn’t it?)

We reflected on consumers vs. producers vs. aggregators! Recently, I have been reading about the term prosumers – a lovely blend of producing consumers or consuming producers…

We giggled our way through the non-blinking zefrank at Hi s videos are well worth checking out!

We reflected on the six spaces of Social media – secret, group, publishing, performing, participation, watching with awesome examples from DK!

How can we apply these to the six spaces of social learning? A real challenge issued to us there!

When DK said educate yourself before you educate anyone else… I thought YES! That is why I am so driven to learn…. We looked at opportunities to leverage technology in learning and DK provided me with immediate practical use. I have a Year 7 reluctant writer I have been working with on the blog. He is more passionate about the Rugby World Cup than anything I have ever seen him excited about. For the past 3 weeks he has been blogging reviews of the week that has been. This has received great comments and feedback and he is greatly inspired to write more. I only see him for about half an hour a week and DK made the next session doable by triggering my mind to allowing him to podcast his predictions and discussions. What a hit this was. Thanks to a wonderful comment by @NZWaikato, my learner is now predicting and reflecting. OH the power of twitter…..

I was further inspired when DK talked about contacting speakers, interviewing them, skyping them, blogging the learning.

If we are indeed creating and consuming more media than the media, let’s make it quality and let’s share it with an authentic audience. I love the concept of my blog as an intersection where people pass through!

DK through out the challenge of using the ideas from facebook to enhance our learning environments... I really must investigate SuperClubsPlus again to see if this would be an opportunity for my learners.

We touched on Gamefication – in education, and looked at play as a learning strategy! I often say that I became a teacher so I didn’t have to grow old, and have an excuse to play. I sure do have fun with my learners and intend to use more games based learning in my programmes when I am back in the classroom. Games offer the opportunity for independent learning, problem solving, collaboration and fun – go games!

The challenge for us is to use our existing networks to share and enhance learning!

And to finish with the words of DK (or who ever said them first...) - Go teach, go fill their brains… and follow your desire path, and let the learners follow theirs….

AWESOME session, thanks DK!

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