Saturday, November 12, 2011

Educamp Invercargill

Today, we are here at #educampinvers. Great journey down, with a few geocaches, including a failed one at Clinton... Maybe we'll stop and find it on the way back if it isn't raining?  (Oh Yes, successful find on the way home)

So here we are in Invercargill...
I just adore the concept of educamps.  We are here because we WANT to be here, talking about what we WANT to talk about, sharing because we WANT to share!  Pure Magic...

Twitter stream hashtag #educampinvers
Google doc for sharing -
We are here from Invercargill, Mosgiel, Dunedin, Kapiti, Hamilton and skyping in from Nelson... YAY  Magic morning sharing and learning.  Awesome lunch with us all together at EAT in Windsor, then back for a tour of Myross Bush School.  It is incredible to see the transformation that has taken place to bring older buildings into a very exciting, stimulating learning environment.  Touring the school with Principal Tim was amazing...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for looking after me and taking me around to see the school
