Friday, November 4, 2011

Sunday, funday

Sunday morning, up for an amazing breakfast on the deck (this Twitter Tour sure has involved a lot of eating…) then off to the Waikato.  I had a wonderful coffee at the Lake with Jane, my Principal from three years ago then toured her school St Pius. 

It is so nice to now be able to picture where she is everyday.  I really appreciate all that Jane did for me, employing me, giving me freedom, believing in me.  And inspiring me to study my Masters.  It is so great to keep in touch. 
Next stop Barbs place for a coffee and a catchup.  I have met sooo many amazing people this year and I value their friendship so much.  Thank you Barbs for being the awesome friend you are.  
Finally I arrived at my sister’s house in Cambridge and oh what a surprise there was in store for me.  I was greeted by the door swinging open and two fully Halloween clothed monsters showered me with confetti…. 

And so it continued way into the night, with snakes around my room, balloon people in my bed, and trick or treat everywhere.  Revenge was sweet and I was able to continually surprise them with party poppers when they least expected it….. They soaked me with water bombs and hid from me and leapt out on me…. Oh the fun.  And to top it off, after not quite enough sleep, they leapt onto my bed at 6.57am costumed and pelted me again with confetti… my secret stash of party poppers was soon discovered and on and on it went….

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