Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Auckland Bound...

No matter how often I fly I will never tire of the view of the sunrise.  There is something incredibly MAGICAL about flying into a sunrise.  Today is no exception.  The pain of the 5am alarm dims as I enjoy the smooth flight and stunning view. 
Heading to Auckland for an incredible learning journey.  Today I have the incredible privilege and pleasure of spending time with Caroline at the new Ormiston Primary School.  I am incredible excited to explore the exciting journey that is a new school. 
Thursday and Friday I am at our VPLD hui, which is an incredible opportunity to meet face to face mentors and mentees from across the country.  As we share our stories, surface our challenges and successes we are privileged to grow in our roles. 
Again, what I am most looking forward to is the people, the stories and the interactions.  Face to face opportunities allow us to get alongside our colleagues.  The incidental learning and growing when we are in the same room always astounds me. I reflect on the MAGIC of online connecting and learning, but always come back to the real MAGIC, the MAGIC of face to face.  This allows us to take the future online connections further, as our relationships develop.

Bring on the MAGIC…

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