Friday, June 17, 2016

A trip down memory lane - Teach NZ Scholarship 2012

Study awards transform careers

The best teachers are always learning – from students and colleagues, and from research and study. Study awards, sabbaticals and study support grants are a key part of professional learning and development for schools’ teachers and leaders. Three 2011 study award recipients spoke to the Education Gazette about how their recent learning has influenced their teaching practices.

Anne Kenneally, from St Mary’s School in Mosgiel, was awarded a TeachNZ Primary Teachers’ Study Award last year. She didn’t hesitate when asked about the impact her 2011 Study Award had on her teaching practice.

“My teaching career has transformed,” Anne said. “I have developed exponentially in my leadership capacity, and have returned to the classroom with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.”

Anne used her Study Award to complete her Masters in Educational Leadership, and to undertake a self-designed Twitter Tour 2011, which involved her visiting teachers, classes and schools across New Zealand through her Twitter Professional Learning Network contacts.

“This travel was the best possible way to experience the wealth of innovative practitioners around New Zealand,” Anne said. “I have an extensive network of teachers and classes to collaborate with, through weekly Skype sessions and regular blog contact.

“Our classroom programme is now a blend of current best practice research and a mash-up of the fantastic ideas I learned about through my travels – like keeping a student blog, and holding student-led conferences for families and whānau.”

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